Cambodia: Visiting an Organic Pepper Farm in Kampot

Kampot Pepper is excellent! So, on our way back to Phnom Penh from our 4-day motorbike trip in the town of Kampot, we decided to visit one of the pepper farms in Phnom Voar, Kampot. I hadn’t seen a pepper plant before until we went there last July 2010. Since I am an avid consumer of Kampot pepper, I was curious about how Cambodians grow and produce this well-known Kampot pepper in a traditional way.

Kampot pepper is named after a province in Cambodia called Kampot where pepper is grown and became famous for its excellent taste. They produce a variety of high quality pepper such as green pepper, black pepper, red pepper and white pepper in a classical way. In fact, it is considered as one of the highest quality pepper in the world because of the remarkable mildness of their flavor, and the novelty and complexity of their aromas.

Our visit to the pepper farm and its surroundings was free of charge. We went there in July and according to the owner, the best time to visit Kampot pepper farm is before the harvest season (March and April) since during this time you can see the plants and the process of producing the pepper.

Even though the visit was just relatively short (about 45 minutes), we enjoyed it because it was relaxing. It was interesting because we had a great chance to see pepper growing in its natural environment. I would say that the plantation looked more like a hobby farm than a commercial enterprise. I bought some pepper at the farm for our consumption and to give some to our friends. 🙂

Apart from the fact that I use Kampot pepper in my cooking, I also bring some packs of Kampot pepper for our families and friends each time I spend holidays back home. Just like me…they love it, too!

Little Lilly Travel Tip:

  • There are other things to do after you visit the pepper farm: (1) Explore Phnom ChhnorkCave which is about 9 kilometers away from the town center (2) Tour around Kampot Province as there are many things to do in the town center.
  • Not all peppercorn sold in Cambodia is from Kampot, so make sure it has an official Kampot pepper label if you wish to buy some.