39th birthday: 39 Things I want To Do Before I turn 40

Last year, I wrote about 38th Things I am Grateful For. And for this year, on the occasion of my 39th birthday, I would like to share with you my ‘’before 40’’ bucket list – 39 things I want to do before I turn 40 next year. My list includes my everyday adventures, passion, family, fitness and health, education, business and travels.

me at 39.

After having a very simple birthday dinner at home, I pushed the pause button to savor and cultivate the joy and thankfulness in the present and reflect on all ways God was evident on my journey. I thought more about everything I have been lucky enough to do – I have led a pretty fun and active life, I have traveled to many places most people only dream of, and I have achieved some things that I never thought I would.

As I approach 40, I am thinking of the things I still want to tick off the list to make life more fun and more meaningful. Here are the 39 things I want to do before I turn 40:

  1. Write more handwritten thank you notes/send out more handwritten letters to families and friends.
  2. Continue the nightly gratitude prayer, and set-up a gratitude jar or box right in the middle of the dining room table.
  3. Spend less time on social media.
  4. Read more books.
  5. Redesign and rebrand my blog and YT channel. I’ve got some new contents planned up for the coming days and I can’t wait to share it with you all.
  6. Further my education.
  7. Drink more water.
  8. Connect with old friends and old teachers.
  9. Create a family journal, and take on scrap booking hobby.
  10. Spend a day at a posh spa with my husband.
  11. Play more board games with husband and son and enhance my strategy skill.
  12. Save more.
  13. Loose two pounds and get fit by sticking to my fitness routine – daily walk-at-home and do yoga once a week.
  14. Start a new business.
  15. Girls’ night out.
  16. Paint more with acrylic.
  17. Visit our families in France and explore more of France with family.
  18. Visit our families in the Philippines and explore more of the Philippines with family.
  19. Go on adventures – road trip, trekking adventures, etc. Pack our bags and set off for a random location with no itinerary and go deep into the heart of nature.
  20. Catch up with photo albums and organize old and new photos.
  21. Write a book.
  22. Raise USD 1,000 for Charity through cooking sale.
  23. Always keep up-to-date.
  24. Learn a new skill.
  25. Keep a clutter-free home
  26. Buy a new property.
  27. Watch a movie/Netflix once a week.
  28. Keep sharing my authentic recipes through my YT channel.
  29. More cooking sessions with my husband and my son.
  30. Go scuba diving/snorkeling and experience marine life up close.
  31. Keep learning French language.
  32. Invite friends over or visit friends.
  33. Go on a meditation retreat.
  34. Organize a picnic outing with family and friends.
  35. Play an instrument.
  36. Take up Salsa dance.
  37. Laze on the beach.
  38. Go camping and stargazing.
  39. Be more spontaneous.